
chancho va

Scroll down for Portuguese and English versions of this info

“Scrolleá” para las versiones en Portugués e Inglés

Somos Ange (@ange_sa), Caro (@laranadg), Diogo (@diogoramoreira), Flor (@orienteestudio) y Muk (@mukmonsalve), 5 diseñadores de tipografía de Argentina y Brasil, que en tiempos de cuarentena nos juntamos a jugar virtualmente. Decidimos transformar esa experiencia en un taller para Typweekend que difunda la mecánica y pueda replicarse en otros espacios y circunstancias.

Si queres jugar el chancho con tus amigues/colegas, podes hacer así los tips para comenzar podrían ser:

Si sos docente y queres adaptarlo, esperamos noticas tuyas,

Nuestro hashtag oficial es #chanchovatype.

¿Querés escribirnos?
Muk Monsalve:, Angelina Sánchez:, Diogo Ramoreira:, Florencia Yacante Biassoni:, Carolina Giovagnoli:


¡Chancho va! es un juego para diseñadores de tipografía aburridxs de la rutina y el trabajo solitario. Aquí los archivos circulan y lxs jugadorxs trabajan colaborativamente.

El juego comienza cuando cada jugadxr es asignadx un archivo que contiene algunos glifos como pista. Entonces, simultáneamente, todxs deben dibujar algunos signos nuevos en los archivos recibidos, salvar, cerrar y pasar el archivo al siguiente jugadxr al grito de «¡chancho va!». A medida que avancen las rondas, los archivos irán completando su set de caracteres con el trabajo de todxs.

Los requisitos para jugar son:

Más detalles:

Hay 8-10 jugadores conectados y 8-10 archivos con un sistema tipográfico incompleto.
A cada jugador se le asigna un primer archivo, por ejemplo, Jugador 1 > 1.UFO.
El jugador lo abre y a partir de entonces tiene 5 minutos para diseñar y agregar hasta dos nuevos signos siguiendo la coherencia de los signos preexistentes.
Pasado el tiempo, todos los jugadores salvan los archivos y los devuelven al repositorio. Así finaliza el primer round.
Para comenzar el segundo round, cada jugador descarga el archivo siguiente, por ejemplo, Jugador 1 > 2.UFO. Lo abre, suma sus signos, lo salva y vuelve a subirlo al repositorio.

Los rounds se repiten hasta terminar los alfabetos o que hasta que finaliza el tiempo disponible. La dinámica de intercambio se realiza a través de un repositorio compartido en GitHub con archivos editables UFO, soportado en múltiples programas de edición.


Esto es un juego, no es un espacio de crítica de diseño.

Cómo jugar

  1. COMMIT: escribir el siguiente commit: “round x - Nombre del participante”.
  2. PUSH: hacer push de los cambios.
  3. PULL: hacer pull para actualizar su repositorio con los cambios que los otros participantes hayan realizado.


Round 1:

Round 2:

Luego de asignados los archivos para el nuevo round, todo vuelve a empezar.
pull diseñar commit push se repite hasta completar el set de caracteres o hasta que se termine el tiempo.

Reglas de convivencia

Avisos legales

Historia preliminar del juego: «Chancho va de cuarentena»

Durante la primera parte de la cuarentena armamos un grupo para motivarnos a dibujar letras que quizás en otro momentos no hubiésemos encontrado el tiempo.

Aplicamos la lógica de un juego de cartas/naipes popular en Argentina llamado “chancho va” y adaptamos las reglas, en vez de hacer circular cartas/naipes aquí circulaban archivos de Glyphs con el objetivo de dibujar alfabetos de manera colectiva.

Cada jugador recibía un archivo iniciado por otro participante, que contenía un par de signos y ninguna descripción o explicación. Mediante la observación de los elementos identitarios del sistema tipográfico incompleto recibido, se debían agregar nuevos signos manteniendo la coherencia y sin alterar lo ya hecho, para luego pasar el archivo al siguiente jugador. Así nos enfrentamos a desarrollar estilos o situaciones de diseño que individualmente no hubiéramos abordado nunca. A partir de esta premisa lúdica de carácter virtual fue que lo consideramos una propuesta interesante para compartir en el marco de TypeWknd.

chancho va_PORTUGUÊS

O jogo «Chancho va»

Chancho va é um jogo para typeface designers entediados da rotina e de trabalhar sozinhos. Aqui, os arquivos vão circular e o jogadorxs devem trabalhar de forma colaborativa.

O jogo começa quando a cada jogadxr é assignadx um arquivo que contém algumas letras como pista. Então, em simultâneo, todxs devem desenhar novas letras nos arquivos recebidos, salvar, fechar e passar o arquivo ao seguinte jogadxr e gritar «¡chancho va!». Na medida que avança as rodadas, os arquivos vão completando o seu set de caracteres com o trabalho de todxs.

Os requisitos para jogar são:

Mais detalhes:

São 10 jogadores online e 10 arquivos com um sistema tipográfico incompleto. A cada jogador se lhe assigna um arquivo, por exemplo, Jogador 1 > Chancho1.ufo. O jogador abre e a partir de então tem 5 minutos para desenhar e agregar até dois novos glifos seguindo a coerência dos letras preexistentes. Passado o tempo, todos os jogadores salvam os arquivos e atualizam a pasta. Assim termina o primeiro round. Para começar o segundo round, cada jogador baixa o arquivo seguinte, por exemplo, Jogador 1 > Chancho2.ufo. Abre, adiciona seus glifos, salva e volta a fazer o upload da pasta.

Os rounds se repetem até acabar os alfabetos ou que termine o tempo.

A dinâmica do intercâmbio se realiza através de uma pasta compartilhada em GitHub com arquivos editáveis (UFOs) e compatíveis com vários programas de edição.


Alerta: Isto é um jogo, não é um espaço para críticas de desenho.

Como jogar

  1. COMMIT: escrever o seguinte commit: “round x - nome do jogador”.
  2. PUSH: Fazer push das alterações.
  3. PULL: atualizo a pasta do repositório com as alterações que outros jogadores tenham pusheado


Round 1:

Round 2:

Depois de designados os arquivos para o novo round, tudo volta do zero. pull desenhar commit push se repete até completar todo o alfabeto ou terminar o tempo.

Regras de convivência

Avisos legales

História preliminar do jogo: “Chancho va de quarentena”

Durante a primeira parte da Quarentena, armamos um grupo que nos motive a desenhar letras, que talvez em outro momentos não tínhamos encontrado o tempo.

Aplicamos a lógica de um juego de cartas/naipes popular na Argentina chamado “chancho va” e adaptamos as regras, em vez de fazer circular cartas/naipes aqui circulavam arquivos de Glyphs com o objetivo de desenhar alfabetos de maneira coletiva.

Cada jogador recebeu um arquivo feito por outro, que tinha algumas letras e nenhuma descrição ou explicação. Ao observar os elementos do sistema tipográfico incompleto recebido, se adicionava novas letras mantendo a coerência e sem alterar o que já estava feito, para logo passar o arquivo ao próximo jogador. Assim nos enfrentamos com estilos ou situações de desenho que individualmente nunca não teríamos abordado. A partir dessa premissa lúdica e virtual foi que consideramos interessante compartilhar essa proposta dentro do TypeWknd.

chancho va_ENGLISH

We are Ange (@ange_sa), Caro (@laranadg), Diogo (@diogoramoreira), Flor (@orienteestudio) & Muk (@mukmonsalve), 5 type designers from Brazil and Argentina that got together to play due to global lockdown :). We decided to adapt our type game and share it at Typweekend. This game is fun to test different drawing logics, and it could be adapted to different environments and groups. IF you play it, let us know!

¿Querés escribirnos? Muk Monsalve:, Angelina Sánchez:, Diogo Ramoreira:, Florencia Yacante Biassoni:, Carolina Giovagnoli:

Chancho va!, The GAME.

Chancho Va is a game for type designers, bored of the routine of lone work. During this “type game” players will be working collaboratively on various surprising incomplete .UFO font files. The game begins when each player is assigned a file that contains a few glyphs that serve as hints to keep on drawing and completing sets. Players should simultaneously open the files they are assigned, draw some new glyphs, save, close and push the file to the next player while shouting “Chancho Va!”. At the end of each every file will have new glyphs, drawn by all the players. To play you need: A computer, intermediate level and skills with font editors and to have basic knowledge of Github (commit-pull-push).

Any questions regarding requisites, how to play and legal please contact us at:

Chancho va!, HOW TO.

There will be 8-10 players connected and working along on 8-10 incomplete font files. Each player is assigned a place/order in the game and a file from the repository for example Player 1 > Chancho1.UFO Each player opens this file locally. When the rounds begin aach player has 5 minutes to add 1 or two letters to the file. When they finish drawing they shout “chancho va” and a moderator let’s them commit, push to the chancho va repository. When all the players did their contributions to the files the round is over. The next round starts when each player has pulled. In each round each player will move one up, working on a file a previous player has added some letters. The game keeps on going until the 2 hours are done or the alphabettes are completed.

Github is the platform where everybody in the workshop will be working at the same time. It will also serve as a communication spot and where the files are shared among players working in different font editors and operating systems.

To play, during TypeWknd, you need: A computer, intermediate level and skills with font editors and to have previously work with basic Github (commit-pull-push).

To learn more about requirements, game rules and legal go to this link :) Any questions regarding requisites, how to play, legal please contact us at:

  1. Warning: This is a game, it is not a place to critique design.

  2. Requirements to join/play during Typewknd.

· Speak spanish or portuguese. · Intermediate level of drawing in font editor softwares such as:

· Have a GitHub account to play. Basic skill in Git usage (commit-push-pull). · To have accepted de OPEN SIL Font License that will be used as a legal frame for the game.


Players introduce themselves. Each player is assigned an order/place to keep throughout the game [1, 2, 3… 10 ]. Each player will start by opening the file similar to his/her/them order/position from their local repository [1.UFO, 2.UFO, 3.UFO… 10.UFO] and a moderator will ask when they are set up/ready to start. As soon as everybody is siynchronized, the first round begins when the host shouts to the players “Chancho va!” (> Go, pig, go!) . Each round will last aproximately 10 minutes. During this time each player ca: 1- Add to the file they have opened 1 or two glyphs. 2- Save this “new” UFO file saving it in the same folder keeping the original name & location. When steps 1 and 2 are done they should shout “¡chancho va!” letting the host and moderator know they are ready to commit. Moderator will allow that player to:

PUSH: New repo with UFO version.

COMMIT: Their file. adding summary: “Round X - Player’s name”

PULL: The repository

One game host will announce when 02:30 minutes have gone by and let players know when they are getting close to the end of round and 30 seconds remain.

If the player did not finish the drawing of the letter/s in that round, they should delete that unfinished drawing so as to give another player the opportunity to have a go.

When all the players have updated their new drawing to the repository that round is up.

Second round can begin when all the players have pulled the new repository and a new order is assigned to them by the moderator. The order will be “one up”

For instance if there are 10 players: Player 1 - Round 1: File 1.UFO Player2 - Round 1: File 2.UFO

Player 1 - Round 2: File 10.UFO Player 2 - Round 2: File 1.UFO

When the new round begins and steps from 3 to 7 repit. The PULL - DRAW - COMMIT - PUSH will go on in every round until the time of the whole game is up or the alphabette’s set are completed.

  1. Code of Conduct

· The link to be a part of the game is individual and non transferrable.

· Any offensive conduct from any player during the game will result in the players removal from the call.

· Chancho va is a friendly fun game to connect. It’s not a place to critique the work of others.

· During the game keep the same drawing that is proposed in the file to provide consistency and stability for all players.

· Do not correct the drawings of other players.

· When finished drawing, dont forget to shout chancho va and wait for the team to give you a grenn light to commit, push, pull.

· In each round each player can add up to two letters. If the letter is not completed it must be deleted to give the chance to another player to draw it.

. The letters of origin found in each file cannot be modified.

. The font info and name of the files must remain the same during the game (Open > Draw > save > close).

. It is not necessary to space the glyphs during the drawing-round time.

· Each player has an order in the game plan, this slot is necessary to do the (PULL - COMMIT - PUSH). When the payer finishes adding a glyph or drawing and after they shouted Chancho Va and a moderator gives you a green light can start committing so as to avoid players overlap in Git.

. The commit summary will always be like this: “Round X - Player’s name”

· The font editors software that support UFO are Robofont, FontForge, Glyphs and Fontlab 6/7.

  1. Legal

· Everything that comes out of this workshop/experience cannot be commercialized by the chancho va team or the players. Before the game begins the players must agree to the open font SIL License terms and conditions. · The result of this game will be covered by the SIL Open Font License (OFL).


2020 is a year where no matter where you were, you were in lockdown. That’s why when this started, we got together and we planned and online game to be together although we were far away. We wanted to motivate ourselves to keep on drawing type now that we would have, maybe, more screen time available.

We borrowed the way of playing (or logicd behind a) of a popular in Argentina called “¡chancho va!”, we also made up some rules, and instead of cards we dealed Glyphs files among us, just to play & have fun in a collaborative way.

Each of us, the players, would get an anonymous file with some uppercase, lowercase and numbers. Through our analisis and observation of this glyphs, we had to draw a ciuple of more letters, trying to respect the original logic of those letters. After adding new glyphs and with no comments, at all, the idea was to send it to another player, in order. This is how we cheered each other.

This game made us get into each others minds/ and workflows, try to understand each other without speaking, and drawing in a system that was ou of our comfort zone. We went places we wouldn’t have gone otherwise. We had so much fun, and we helped each other work and rework stuff, resulting in new explorations and finding a new value to work we had in the drawer… All of this made it worth to addapt it and share it in TypeWknd.